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Writer's pictureSarah McGrath

Will allergies compromise your family life this spring?

It isn't fun when springtime allergies take the spring out of a child's step! Common symptoms, such as fatigue, irritated eyes and nasal congestion, not only bring discomfort; they often lead to poor concentration levels that last months on end - especially concerning during exam season! But never fear: there are simple steps you can take towards reducing spring allergies naturally without medication.

Saline nasal spray: Use it daily to clear away pollen; start using it now, before the season begins.

Sunglasses: Never leave home without them. Sunglasses keep pollen out of your eyes, reducing itchy, watery peepers. Not ideal for school, but allowed outside in the playground.

Change your clothes when you come inside: Leave the pollen at the door (or in the washing-up basket) if you've been outside for a long time, and shower before changing into clean clothes.

Save outdoor workouts for the evening: Most pollen is released from trees and plants in the morning and mid-day, so plan your outdoor workout for the evening.

Essential oils: Peppermint and eucalyptus oils can relieve hay fever symptoms. Use them in a room diffuser for relief, or combine them with coconut oil and massage it into your temples. Lemon and tea tree oils can be mixed with purified water and vinegar, and then sprayed around your home.

Himalayan salt lamps: These gorgeous-looking lamps don't just look pretty. They remove dust, dander and other particles from the air, leaving you with fewer allergy and cough symptoms.

Drink lots of water and eat healthy foods. A bit obvious, but a teaspoon of honey works wonders (unsuitable for children under one). Research suggests that adding quercetin to the diet may help to relieve allergy symptoms. You can find this in apples, berries, black tea, broccoli, and grapes.

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